Haji Agus Salim (H.Agus Salim)

Haji Agus Salim was born at 8 October 1884.He is known as one of indonesians founding fathers and prominent diplomat.He is also known as the third Foreign Minister Of Indonesia.played a leading role in the creation of the Indonesian constitution in 1945 and served as Indonesia's Foreign Minister between 1947 and 1949.

Salim was born at Kota Gadang,Agam,West Sumatra.In 1980,he began study in europesse Largere School (Generally for europeans only) and graduated at 1897.During that period he also furthered his studies of islam.In 1897,he  studied at Hogere Burger School and earned the highest rank of HBS, when he was 19 years old.

H.Agus Salim is also a member of BPUPKI (Badan pemeriksa untuk persiapan kemerdekaan indonesia).And the Commite of Nine that wrote Jakarta Charter.H.Agus Salim Died at the age of 70,on November 4,1954.He is Burried at Kalibata Heroes Cemetery,thus makes him the first one who is there.


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